By now, I think everyone has heard about pop star Taylor Swift’s romance with NFL player Travis Kelce. Even if you’re not a Swiftie yourself, the news coverage of her attendance at his football games has been prolific. And we all have to admit Taylor’s relationships end up being kind of a Big Deal™. Relationships just so happen to be our jam at the Everyday Owl, so let’s go over what we can learn from Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. 

Is the Romance Real?

Before we can dig into what there is to be learned from Taylor and Travis, it’s important to establish whether they’re actually in a relationship or this is all a big PR stunt. 

In the grand scheme of things, does it really matter whether they’re dating or if it’s all a carefully crafted act? No, not really. But if we want to apply anything from their relationship to our own it’s best to take any lessons learned from the real deal. 

Their (Almost) Meet Cute

One point in favor of their relationship being real is how much effort the two have put into being together. And by that I mean in physical proximity to one another. 

The relationship went public back in October of 2023 which was a bit of a hecitc time. Taylor was still in the middle of her international Eras Tour, one of her biggest tours ever.

While there was a break in the middle of the tour, Taylor was still traveling pretty much nonstop. She had concerts nearly back to back from March through August of 2023. They then picked back up again in November before breaking for the year.

This means Tay Tay and Travis only had a window of about 2 months between concerts to meet and begin dating.

According to Travis, he actually attended Taylor’s concert in July at his NFL team’s home stadium. He even intended to give her a friendship bracelet with his phone number on it which is utterly adorable… Unfortunately he didn’t quite get the opportunity. Thankfully some mutual friends helped the two meet and apparently the rest is history. 

The Commitment

While the Eras tour is still ongoing as of this article, Taylor and Travis have made several public appearances together. The biggest of which was 2024’s Super Bowl. Despite having a concert to perform on February 10th in Tokyo, Japan, Taylor was still at the big game on February 11th to watch her partner’s team take home the rings. 

And of course, Taylor isn’t the only one jet setting for their relationship. Back in November of 2023 Travis flew down after a charity event to South America for a week while Taylor was doing shows in Argentina and Brazil. 

It’s honestly heartwarming that Taylor and Travis are jumping at every chance to spend as much time together as possible. Despite being incredibly busy (and successful) people. Which leads me to believe the romance is absolutely real. If literally traveling across the globe overnight to support your significant other’s big moments isn’t true commitment, I don’t know what is. 

So What Can We Learn From Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce?

While I can’t imagine the lives celebrities like Taylor and Travis live, there are definitely a lot of relatable and healthy parts of their relationship us normies can apply to our own. 

Tons of Mutual Respect

Travis has been a bit more open about the relationship than Taylor has, but from everything he’s said, they have a very equal partnership. They attend each other’s events when they can and have even talked about how some of their relationship’s more “spontaneous” moments were actually pre-planned and agreed upon. 

It may not need to be said, but I’ll say it anyway: springing something on your significant other in public is not cool. Planning ahead and getting consent is always important, especially for things that require an immediate answer, like asking a mega pop star to attend your football game on national television or proposing. Both are definitely things you’ll want to talk about ahead of time. 

Going At Their Own Pace

Whirlwind romances are great tabloid material and seem pretty common for celebrities. Knowing that you won’t be able to see your significant other for long periods can also make the time you spend with them more intense. 

It’s wonderful that Taylor and Travis seem to be taking their time. Neither one is jumping into something more or less than what they’re ready for. 

Being forced into a relationship more quickly or slowly than what you want can really put a strain on things. It’s important to do what feels comfortable for both parties. No one wants to be left feeling like their opinion doesn’t matter.

They’re Making It Work

Despite their absurdly busy schedules, Taylor and Travis are doing their best to really be in their relationship. With such intense careers, it would be easy to get swept away in them and not focus on each other, which is clearly not what’s happening. 

Finding the time to meet up and support one another, gushing over how awesome their partner is, and just generally putting in the effort to be a good significant other is a huge green flag. 

Healthy relationships are all about doing exactly that. Maintaining a relationship requires a certain amount of effort. Just slapping on the label and ignoring it isn’t a great way to go. It takes constant effort to have a good relationship and to be a good partner. Relationships are partnerships, after all. 

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