I’m well over the age of 25 and I’m not married. And if you come from a Hispanic family, this is beyond a BIG deal. Actually, this may be considered catastrophic. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been asked by extended family and others “when are you planning to get married? Estás adulta. Se te va a ir el tren. Te vas a quedar para vestir santos.” (You’re an adult. The train is going to leave you. Insert other Spanish saying here that’s impossible to translate.)
Now don’t get me wrong. I think marriage is a great idea. I grew up in a two-parent household where my parents held a model relationship. They had been married for over 45 years before my father passed away. I strongly believe in marriage, I have witnessed how beautiful (even though difficult) it can be. But while I’m an advocate of marriage, I’m equally an advocate of being single. So, if you find yourself single right now, instead of reaching for your phone to sign up for a new dating app, redirect your energy to…
Focus on yourself and enjoy the present
Enjoy your hobbies. Pick up a new hobby. Work on something you’re passionate about. Grow as a person. Maintain friendships and create new ones. Keep your priorities straight. Take care of yourself physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally. Read a really good book. Pamper yourself. Learn something new. Change the world. And remember not to rush yourself – life is a journey, not a destination.
Be thankful
It’s no secret that gratefulness is associated with happiness. Take time to appreciate the little things…and the big things. Say it out loud. Write it down. You can always find one thing to be thankful for daily. Say thank you to others as much as possible. Have a positive attitude. It’s good for your soul.
Be confident with who you are
Focus on yourself, enjoy the present and be thankful. Who knows, maybe in the process you will come across someone who enjoys living life as much as you do.