With fall here and winter approaching, some of us might start to feel the onset of seasonal affective disorder, but what is SAD exactly?
mental health
Depression and Dating: What You Should Know
Whether you have it or your partner does, depression makes dating harder. Read more about how to best support your loved one.
Therapy is For Everyone
There’s a lot of stigmas when it comes to therapy; let’s unpack how it can benefit everyone.
What Not to Say to People with Anxiety
There are many things you can say to someone with anxiety that come off as dismissive, so read more to learn what not to say!
Why it’s Okay to be Alone
Let’s talk about why it’s ok to be alone. Matter of fact, it’s actually kind of awesome.
Practicing Daily Mindfulness
Practicing daily mindfulness can make a world of difference when taking care of ourselves. We’ve got a few tips to help you get started.
Letting Go of All That Baggage
We’ve all got baggage, things we feel insecure about, or past trauma that we just can’t seem to shake.Here are some tips on letting go of all that baggage.
How Do you Know What your Baggage Is?
We all have baggage. It’s how you deal with your baggage that determines if you are ready for a relationship. But first, you have to identify what your baggage is.