Travel the multiverse with one woman determined to find the meaning of life in Everything Everywhere All At Once.
Ranking Star Wars TV Shows
Not sure when it happened, but there is so much Star Wars content out now. So here we are ranking Star Wars Tv shows.
Assertive Communication Style
There are a few different communication styles. Read about the assertive communication style and learn if that’s how you communicate.
6 Decluttering Tips to Help You Stay Organized
Life can be messy, but that doesn’t mean your life has to be. Here are 6 decluttering tips to help you stay organized and clutter-free.
Top Habits of Confident People
They say confidence is key. What exactly makes you look confident, though? We’re talking about the top habits of confident people.
Signs You Can Trust Them And Signs You Can’t
Not everyone is worthy of your trust. How do you know if you can or can’t trust them, though? Read more for signs of both.
10 Ways to Decompress and Relax
It’s easy to get stressed out and overwhelmed by life. Learn ten different ways you can relax and decompress!
Book Club: Hounded by Kevin Hearne
The book of the month is Hounded. Read about Atticus, the Iron Druid, and his chronicles against the Celtic gods of old.
Things That are NOT Gaslighting (Stop Telling People They Are)
“Gaslighting” gets thrown around a lot. So much that the real definition is getting lost. Let’s talk about what is and is NOT gaslighting.
Overcoming Setbacks
Overcoming setbacks is an important skill for any adult to learn, so here are a few things to keep in mind while life throws you curveballs.
Social Media Detox
Social media is an important asset to most of our lives, but too much of anything can be bad. Here are some social media detox tips.
Getting Over Someone Who Cheated On You
Getting over someone who cheated on you is hard and painful. No one likes dealing with heartbreak, but here is something to help you heal.
Thor: Love and Thunder
Thor: Love and Thunder is a fun, zany comedy, so if you were expecting something else, you are in for a rude awakening.
The Biggest Time-Wasters You Need to Avoid
Are you losing hours in your day to these time-wasters? Check out the top wastes of time you need to be avoiding!
Signs Someone is Into You
I admit I’m not the most preceptive when it comes to noticing when people are trying to flirt with me. That doesn’t mean I don’t …
Adjusting to a New City
Adjusting to a new city can be hard, but you can overcome any challenges with an adventurous attitude and positive thinking.
Summer Must Reads
Here are some summer must reads since reading at the park in the sunlight is a great way to spend your time.
Why Are My Groceries Costing So Much?
Why are my groceries costing so much? Here’s a quick breakdown on why your grocery bill as been so dang high lately.
Book Club: American Hippo by Sarah Gailey
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if cowboys rode hippos? Well, wonder no more! American Hippo explores that very scenario.
Why Trust in Relationships is Important (& Why Loyalty Tests Are BS)
We all know trust in relationships is important. Now let’s talk about why things like loyalty tests are a terrible idea.
Accepting Others
Accepting others instead of trying to change them to fit our worldview is a skill that most of us need to practice more often.
Life After High School
Life after high school can seem scary and overwhelming, but you are more than capable of facing it head on.
Why it’s Important to Maintain Friendships in a Relationship
The power of friendship is pretty important. So let’s talk about why it’s important to maintain friendships while in relationships.
Ways to Show Your Appreciation on Father’s Day
Do something special for dad this Father’s Day. Check out some suggestions on making the day special without breaking the bank.
Top Johnny Depp Movies
Johnny Depp has had a very successful career. Here are some of his best movies with background info on how he brought the characters to life.