Here are some TV show recommendations since picking a show seems to be a lot harder than it should be these days.
Communication Styles: Passive-Aggressive
Communication is vital in a healthy relationship and understanding passive-aggressive communication will only benefit you.
Health Insurance After 26
Getting health insurance is on the Mount Rushmore if adulting. Hopefully my quarter life crisis helps you out.
Book Club: The Girl from Berlin
A book about a young Jewish violinist in Germany during WWII, a modern-day legal battle over land in the Tuscan Hills of Italy, and the piece that ties them together.
An Open Letter to Our Dear Parents
Dear parents, we aren’t kids anymore, so please stop treating us like we are. Although we definitely still need your help.
How Much Does it Cost to be in a Friend’s Wedding?
Attending a wedding is expensive but usually, a great time filled with memories. But how much will making those memories cost you?
Movie of the Month: Pacific Rim
Pacific Rim came out in 2013 and is still one of the best live-action mecha vs. kaiju movies out, but there is a lot to love and hate.
Learning to Accept Feedback
Constructive criticism can make us feel defensive and rile up so many unwanted emotions? Here are some tips for graciously accepting feedback.
Think Outside Yourself: The World Doesn’t Revolve Around You
It’s easy to forget that the world doesn’t revolve around you. When was the last time you thought outside yourself?
Halo Episode 1 Review
With the release of the long-awaited Halo TV series, here’s our Halo Episode 1 review. Did it live up to the hype?
What Do You Do When Your Family Doesn’t Approve of Your Relationship?
What do you do when your family disapproves of your relationship? Not an ideal situation to be in, but here are some things to remember.
Your Depression Didn’t Make You Do It
Depression isn’t something anyone can just ignore. It, unfortunately, doesn’t let you off the hook when it comes to being an adult, though.
Communication Styles: Passive
Communication is important in a healthy relationship, but knowing your communication style can help navigate the nuisances of your arguments.
Study Techniques
Studying is never fun and seems to drag on forever. But with the help of some studying techniques, your study sessions can be more effective.
Falling into an On-Again/Off-Again Trap
Maybe you experienced it, or maybe you’ve seen a friend go through it, but falling into an on-again/off-again trap is a top-tier suffocating experience without …
Movie of the Month: The Batman
Despite The Batman starring Robert Pattinson being the eight Batman movie to date, his portrayal of the iconic hero is a must see experience.
Communication Differences Between Genders
Communication isn’t only what you say but how you say it. Understanding communication differences between the genders can help avoid conflict.
Recognizing Burnout and How To Recover
Burnout can be a serious problem. Do you recognize the signs and know how to get your mental health back on track?
Desk Upgrades to Up Your WFH Game
Working from home has its pros and cons, but after two years, it’s time to start upgrading our home workspaces. Here we share some ideas.
Shooting Your Shot: Asking Someone Out on a Date
Shooting your shot can be absolutely nerve-racking. Here are some tips to help alleviate some of the anxiety of asking someone out on a date.
Saying I Love You for the First Time
Saying I love you for the first time can be pretty scary. You don’t know how they’ll react or even if they feel the same way.
Best Streaming Subscriptions Ranked
Remember the good ole days when Netflix first came out and how an apparent monopoly on everything streaming-wise? I miss those days. I missed the …
Check-in with Your Significant Other
You have designated date nights, but are you scheduling time for real conversations with you partner? Check-in with your significant other.
The Ultimate Guide to Grocery Shopping Like an Adult
Believe it or not, there’s a little more to grocery shopping than just buying food. Did you know there’s some strategy to it?
Book Club: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Eddy’s Book Club reads Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy this month. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!