End of the year got you down? You’re not alone! Get tips on recognizing and getting through the holiday blues.
We’ve got some healthy living tips for you. We cover health and wellness topics like exercise, sleep habits, mental health and so much more.
Health & Wellness
You Are Not A Burden for Seeking Help
Unfortunately, it is very common for many people to keep their hardships to themselves. Whether it’s stress, a challenging project, or especially their mental health, …
Healing Your Inner Child
Healing your inner child is a great step in your journey of self-growth and wellbeing, but what does it mean to do so?
Dealing With Depression And Loneliness
Depression and loneliness leave us an empty shell of who we once were. Here are some tips for dealing with depression and loneliness.
Protecting Your Mental Health While Dating
Protecting your mental health while dating is important to protecting your peace. We’re sharing some tips on how to do just that.
Tricking Yourself Into Building Better Habits
It’s hard to build good habits when you struggle with mental health. So here are some tips for tricking yourself into making better habits.
Tips for Overcoming Fear
Fear can swallow you up and left you frozen in place. Don’t let fear dictate your life. Here are some tips for overcoming fear.
Supporting Your Depressed Friends
It’s hard to watch someone struggle with mental health. Here are the best ways you can go about supporting your depressed friends.
How to Stop Being Emotionally Reactive
Learn how to stop being emotionally reactive. Instead, learn how to be emotionally responsive to better deal with intense emotions.
How To Start Talking To Your Partner About Your Mental Health
Talking to your partner about your mental health can be hard, but we’ve got some tips to help you get started.
Difference between Urgent Care and the ER
What’s the difference between urgent care and the ER? Here’s a breakdown of which one you should go to depending on what you need.
How to Relax
Learning how to relax after you’ve trained yourself to only ever worry about work and bills is trickier than it seems. Here are a few tips.
5 Tips to Combat Negative Self-Talk
Negative self-talk is like skipping class, it’s starts as a joke, but spirals into something out of control and harmful to yourself.
Tips for Battling Seasonal Depression
Winter is coming. The sun sets at 4. And seasonal depression is right around the corner. Here are tips for battling seasonal depression.
The Value of Patience and Grace
Learning the value of patience and grace not only benefits the world around you but it’s also good for your health! Learn more here.
Ways to Get Motivated
Figuring out ways to get motivated is trickier than it seems, but here are a few tips to follow-through on your goals.
10 Ways to Decompress and Relax
It’s easy to get stressed out and overwhelmed by life. Learn ten different ways you can relax and decompress!
Social Media Detox
Social media is an important asset to most of our lives, but too much of anything can be bad. Here are some social media detox tips.
Mental Health Resources
Mental health care and therapy can seem out of reach for some so here are a few mental health resources you can use instead going broke.
Why You Have Brain Fog and How To Clear It
Brain fog is a catch-all term for symptoms slowing cognitive function. Read more to learn the signs and recognize them in yourself.
Negative Thoughts: How Little Things Effect Self-Esteem
We all can get swept away by negative thoughts. Here’s how you can rewrite those thoughts into more positive ones.
Your Depression Didn’t Make You Do It
Depression isn’t something anyone can just ignore. It, unfortunately, doesn’t let you off the hook when it comes to being an adult, though.
Recognizing Burnout and How To Recover
Burnout can be a serious problem. Do you recognize the signs and know how to get your mental health back on track?
A Guide to Being Sick and Living Alone
Getting sick sucks but getting sick when you live alone and are ill-prepared for it is even worse. Here are a few things to keep in mind for flu season.
Your Partner is Not Responsible for Your Happiness
We all want to be happy, but shoving the responsibility of our happiness on others is easy and selfish. True happiness comes from self-love.