Being intentional with your partner is a key factor in keeping your relationship happy and healthy. So how do you go about being intentional?
Love Languages
Knowing your and your partner’s love language will help you better understand the best way to express and receive love in your relationship.
How to Know If You’re Ready for a Relationship
Dating can get complicated. Maybe you had a bad breakup or you have no experience. How do you figure out if you’re ready for a relationship?
Stronger Together
What’s it like to be in a relationship that some people still have a problem accepting?
The Importance of Socializing In a Post Covid World
Socializing with others is more important than we realize, especially now.
Situationships vs. Relationships
The goal for any relationship is to be healthy and happy, yet we settle for toxicity and situationships and not even know it.
Creating Emotional Boundaries
Respecting emotional boundaries is just as important as respecting physical boundaries in a relationship.
What is Codependency
Codependency is more than just your run-of-the-mill clinginess. Codependency at its core is sacrificing your own needs to satisfy your partner’s needs to the absolute extreme.
Getting the Perfect Gift for your Partner (or Anyone Really)
The perfect gift could be anywhere, so we made a guide to help you figure out how to get the perfect gift for your partner – or anyone really.
Why it’s Okay to be Alone
Let’s talk about why it’s ok to be alone. Matter of fact, it’s actually kind of awesome.
Big Topics to Talk About Before Getting Married
Have these big conversations before you get married, and enjoy more of your marriage knowing there are certain obstacles you’ve already overcome.
Toxic Relationships: Spotting the Red Flags
It’s easy to brush off toxic behavior but do you recognize the red flags when you see them?
Tips for a Mature Breakup
Breakups are hard and sad, but they don’t have to be bitter. Here are some tips for a mature breakup.
Breaking up With a Friend
Some friendships aren’t forever. We talk about the best options you have when breaking up with a friend.
Creating Physical Boundaries
Setting boundaries will help create the healthiest relationship possible. Your relationship should be safe, and your partner is key to making it feel that way.
Marriage Can Be This
I don’t know about you, but marriage kinda scares me. Or maybe it’s more that I’m scared that I’ll end up in a bad marriage. …
Meeting the Parents
Meeting your partner’s parents can be tough. We’ve got some tips for you to make things a little bit easier!
Getting ghosted sucks. It leaves you feeling like hot garbage, but it’s not your fault. The other person is just immature. But let’s talk about why ghosting sucks.
What to Do When It All Goes Wrong. Let’s Rewind.
If you’re having a hard time in your relationship, there are a few things you can do. By thinking back to how things have gone or doing a mental rewind, you might be able to pinpoint what is making your partner put some distance between you. If you’re still unsure of how to fix things, the only thing to do is move forward.
Dating App Picture
What’s more important on your dating profile, the picture or the bio? We can help with both, but we’ll start with the pictures.
You Attract What You Project
We all want specific things in potential partners, but are we giving off the right vibes to gain that person’s attention? You attract what you project into the world; you just need to make sure you project the right thing.
Letting Go of All That Baggage
We’ve all got baggage, things we feel insecure about, or past trauma that we just can’t seem to shake.Here are some tips on letting go of all that baggage.
How Do you Know What your Baggage Is?
We all have baggage. It’s how you deal with your baggage that determines if you are ready for a relationship. But first, you have to identify what your baggage is.
How to Write a Poem in 5 Easy Steps
If you want to have a healthy relationship, you’ll have to up your romanticism a little bit. What better way than to write a poem? Check out our not-so-typical advice for how to write a poem in 5 easy steps.
Learning to Compromise
Selfishness is a part of who we are. We want what we want, but when we are in a relationship, we need to realize that we aren’t the only person who has wants. Learning to compromise is a key step to a healthy relationship.